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10 Pro Tips for Fertilizing Your Container Plants

10 Pro Tips for Fertilizing Your Container Plants

Plants growing in containers have a limited amount of soil from which to obtain nutrients. The newly potted plant can take up nutrients present in the soil. But eventually, the nutrient source becomes depleted. You can of course repot the plant into a new container but fertilizing the existing pot is far easier and better than repotting.

You can use compost, liquid fertilizers, dry or granular fertilizers, fertilizer sticks, or any other fertilizer once a week, month, or growing season (summer & spring) depending on the plant you’re growing, pot size, and also the type of fertilizer you are using.

Here are some quick fertilizing tips that are sure to come in handy!

  1. Granular fertilizers, pills, sticks, and other slow-release forms are convenient for indoor gardens. They slowly dissolve in the soil and can supply nutrients for several months.
  2. Plants newly repotted do not require supplemental fertilizer as they can obtain nutrients from the fresh soil for at least a month or two.
  3. Always follow the label directions on how and when to apply the fertilizer.
  4. Smaller pots can hold very little soil, so feeding twice at half the strength can be a good idea to meet the nutrient requirement.
  5. Plants grow best when feeding is at regular intervals during the growing season.
  6. Lower down and stop feeding in the fall and winter when the growth is absent or very slow.
  7. Slow or time-release fertilizers are a good way to fertilize houseplants.
  8. Most house plants don’t need fertilization in short days or winters as they receive little or no artificial light and enter a resting stage.
  9. Do not apply fertilizers to dry soil.
  10. Do not over-fertilize. Less is better.
10 Pro Tips for Fertilizing Your Container Plants

Have you got any other fertilizing tips? Let us know in the comments!

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