How to Handle Garden Waste?
Having and maintaining a beautiful garden also involves being able to manage the garden waste. It may not sound as big of a deal but taking care of the waste generated can be a task. We can categorize the waste under two broad terms first the garden organics and solid rubbish.
The leaves and flowers, lawn clippings, branches, twigs, and weeds are put under the organic waste category while ceramics, pots, seed trays, glass, unwanted garden tools, etc are the solid waste.
To be able to handle garden waste properly, the first step one should take is to sort it out!
Separate out the branches from the leaf heap, place all the twigs collected together, and differentiate the branches based on their sizes. Sorting out will help you to manage the waste in a better way.
- Composting – This is one of the best ways to handle organic waste. Mix the leaves, grass, and weeds with the food scraps in your compost bin and let the magic happen.
- Proper Lawn care – One of the ways to deal with waste is by reducing its production itself. Lawns should be mowed timely to restrict the extreme growth of grass and weed. Choosing the right grass species will help to reduce the production of waste.
- Grasscycling – It is another very effective method for maintaining the lawn. Grasscycling helps to recycle and compost as well with the grass being clipped. The clipping left will create mulch which will also provide the required nutrients to the garden.
- Vermicomposting – This is another effective method of composting. Vermicomposting fastens the process of composting with the help of worms. This process does not even take much space so can be done in small containers. This process helps to get rid of food waste also, with the combination of green waste, kitchen scrap, and shredded paper, it creates mulch at a faster pace and will prove to be beneficial for your plants.
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