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Food For Muscle Gains

Food For Muscle Gains

Did you know that muscles are built in the kitchen rather than in the gym? It's possible that not eating the correct foods can sabotage your efforts to become in shape. Do you want to bulk up quickly? Here are some foods that will help you gain muscle mass.

  • Cottage cheese - It contains a lot of whey and casein protein. Whey protein contains the amino acids required for muscle recovery after an exercise. Casein delivers a steady supply of amino acids over a longer period of time. It promotes the development of new muscle tissue.
  • Plain Greek yogurt - It has twice as much protein as normal yogurt. Muscles grow leaner as a result of the high protein content. It also contains a lot of calcium and vitamin D, which help to strengthen bones and muscles. Greek yogurt with added fruit or flavored brands should be avoided due to its high sugar content.
  • Hummus - provides a proper ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, which is critical for post-workout growth. Hummus' carbohydrate content is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, ensuring that your muscles are fuelled for hours after your workout.
  • Berries - are one of the best sources of the anti-oxidants required for muscular growth. Assist in the healing of ripped and injured muscle tissue, allowing for faster muscle recovery. Polyphenols, which are plant-based antioxidants, protect your body's cells. This helps to relieve discomfort in tight muscles after an exercise.
  • Salmon - Muscle is built with proteins and omega-3 fatty acids aid recuperation. Omega-3 fatty acids can speed up muscle growth and regeneration. Salmon is high in vitamin D, which promotes muscle growth and weight loss.
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