Floating Plants for Your Freshwater Pond and Aquariums
While planting in pots is conventional practice, did you know that there are floating plants that can make a home in your freshwater ponds and aquariums, adding a wonderful ecosystem for the life in them to thrive? Here are some great picks for you!
- Red root floaters – it is a bright and eye-catching floating plant. Requires medium to high light to thrive well. It changes color to blood-red under very bright light conditions.
- Water hyacinth – it has a beautiful violet color flower. The leaves of this plant give a succulent-like look. They require bright light to thrive well. It absorbs metals like copper and lead from industrial sewage.
- Azolla – also known as mosquito fern or fairy moss. This plant has reddish edges. Grows on slow-moving water. It turns bright green under shade and turns purple under full sun.
- Subwassertang – it is a german name that translates to freshwater seaweed in English. It is best for shrimp tanks. This plant does not have any roots. Requires low to medium lighting.
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