Plants for People Who Tend to Overwater
It is quite possible that you aren’t exactly the sort to hold back when you’re in the mood to give and while people don’t really have a threshold as to how much you can give them and would take anything off your hands, plants do. Many times, the growth of a plant suffers due to overwatering, which affects the soil and makes it a bit difficult for the plant to get comfortable. In brief, too much of anything is bad. Here are a few plants though, which thrive in overwatered settings.
- Pitcher plant – it is a carnivorous plant and needs constant water, that is devoid of any minerals. You could use distilled water or rainwater.
- Bamboo – the easiest plant to maintain. Thrives well in ample water. Make sure the bamboo is planted in well-drained soil as its roots should not be soggy.
- Pothos – is a very versatile plant. It can thrive well in both dry and wet soil. Make sure you don’t keep your pothos under direct sunlight.
- Baby tears – as they love moisture, they are usually used in terrariums. Make sure you don’t leave these plants waterlogged as it would cause root rot.
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