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Best Smelling Houseplants

Best Smelling Houseplants

The feeling of freshness and being revitalized can do wonders for our mental health. It is widely known how houseplants can both supplement better air quality and also add a fresh fragrance to one’s surroundings. Here are the best houseplants which can bring not only aroma but serenity to your home.

  • Lavender – a perfect low-maintenance plant for your bedroom. It gives out a pleasant smell. Lavender requires bright sunlight for at least 4 to 5 hours a day. 
  • Scented Geranium – this plant is different from other plants as this has scented foliage. It comes in different colors and scents and must be kept near a window as it requires direct sunlight.
  • Lemon Balm – as the name suggests, this plant has a lemony scent. Lemon balm requires a minimum of 5 hours of sunlight so make sure you keep it near a window. Keeping it near the window will also help you in getting a lemony smell across your room because of the wind blowing. 
  • Jasmine – another perfect low-maintenance plant. It is said that the smell of jasmine helps relieve your tiredness.  Place this plant where there is full sunlight.
  • Orchids – one of the well-liked houseplants. It’s easy to maintain. There are many varieties of orchids and some of the varieties don’t have any kind of smell. The orchids that smell have a refreshing fragrance.
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